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Live Q & A
1. What is menopause?
2. What happens with hormones in menopause?
3. How does decreased estrogen specifically lead to vaginal changes?
4. What are some of the sexual concerns that come up in the menopausal transition and how common are they?
5. What is GSM?
6. Why do many women with GSM not seek care?
7. How is GSM diagnosed?
8. What are the first-line therapies for GSM?
9. Do these non-hormonal options work?
10. What is hormone therapy?
11. When should systemic hormone therapy be used?
12. When should vaginal estrogen be used?
13. What are the options for low-dose vaginal estrogen?
14. Is low-dose vaginal estrogen safe?
15. What are the non-estrogen hormone medication options for GSM?
16. What about testosterone?
17. How does pelvic floor physical therapy help in menopause? (briefly- I’m sure you have whole sessions on this)
18. Is laser therapy an option for GSM?
Dr. Jill Krapf is a board-certified Obstetrician Gynecologist specializing in sexual pain disorders at The Center for Vulvovaginal Disorders in Washington, D.C. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the The George Washington University. Dr. Krapf graduated from Lafayette College and then earned an M.D. from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She completed a residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at The George Washington University. After residency, Dr. Krapf completed a Medical Education fellowship and subsequently earned a Masters in Education. She practiced and taught general Obstetrics and Gynecology in the academic setting at the George Washington University and then at University of Texas San Antonio, while running specialty clinics in female sexual health. Dr. Krapf is active in research and has published chapters and peer-reviewed articles on vulvodynia, vulvar dermatoses, and hypoactive sexual desire disorder. She is Associate Editor for the Journal of Sexual Medicine Online Access, as well as for the textbook Female Sexual Pain Disorders, 2nd Edition. She a Fellow of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH), serving on the Education Committee and the Social Media Committee. She shares educational content on her Instagram page @jillkrapfmd