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Specializing in men’s pelvic and sexual health, Susie Gronski, PT, DPT is a licensed doctor of physical therapy, certified pelvic rehabilitation practitioner, international teacher, author and creator of one-to-one and self-paced health programs that help men with pelvic pain become experts in treating themselves. Learn more by visiting
You'll learn what causes erectile difficulties and practical tips to start treating erectile dysfunction instead of filling that prescription for Viagra. What’s natural – 90% of fellas between the ages of 35-55 will lose an erection or be unable to get it up. It’s totally normal and nothing to be alarmed about, even if you’re under or over that age range. A stressful day alone can be enough to ward off arousal and impact how your penis functions. A few instances of erectile difficulty can be uncomfortable or awkward, but it’ll pass. Red flag – while not detrimental, and often not caused by a medical or physical issue, an ongoing struggle in obtaining and maintaining an erection again and again can cause significant distress to both you and your partner(s).
You’ll learn how to –
● Review your health history for biological risk factors and commonly overlooked psychological and social factors.
● Use different strategies at-home for treating ED that most physicians are never taught
● Tune-into what your body needs to be aroused and get an erection! Listen up, if you’re being chased by a bear, your body knows it’s not the time for getting sexy. Even if you’re no longer a tasty snack for hungry bears anymore, your nervous system can’t tell the difference between running late for work and running away from a predator.